Inserting a Node in Sorted List

Procedure to insert a new node in a sorted linked list.

Procedure :

  • Create a new node and assign the data to it.

  • Check if the head node is NULL. If it is, no nodes are present in the linked list and the new node will be the head.

  • Check if the head node's data is greater than the data to be inserted. If so, the new node will become the head node.

  • If nodes are already present, reach the proper position by checking if the data of next node in each iteration is less than the data to be inserted.

  • Once the position is reached, set the next of new node to be the next of current node.

  • Finally, set next of current node to new node.

void insert(struct node *ptr, int data) {

    // Creating a node
    struct node *newNode;
    newNode = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    newNode -> data = data;

    // If there are no nodes or first node data is greater
    if (head == NULL || head -> data > data) {
        newNode -> next = head;
        head = newNode;        
    // Inserting at correct position
    else {
        while (ptr -> next != NULL && ptr -> next -> data < data) {
           ptr = ptr -> next;
       newNode -> next = ptr -> next;
       ptr -> next = newNode;


Contributed by Nitin Ranganath

Last updated

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