Queue using Array

Implementation of queue using arrays and its functions.

Queue Structure :

struct Queue {
    int size;
    int front;
    int rear;
    int *data;

Creating a Queue Dynamically :

struct Queue *createQueue(int size) {

    // Allocating memory for queue
    struct Queue *queue;
    queue = (struct Queue *)malloc(sizeof(struct Queue));
    // Set size, front and rear
    queue -> size = size;
    queue -> front = -1;
    queue -> rear = -1;
    // Allocating memory for array
    queue -> data = (int *)malloc(size * sizeof(int));
    return queue;


Function to Check if Queue is Empty or Full :

int isEmpty(struct Queue *queue) {
    return queue -> front == queue -> rear;

int isFull(struct Queue *queuevoid display(struct Queue *queue) {
  return queue -> rear == queue -> size - 1;

En-queue Function :

void enqueue(struct Queue *queue, int data) {

    if (isFull(queue)) {
        printf("Queue overflow !\n");
    queue -> rear++;
    queue -> data[queue -> rear] = data;


De-queue Function :

int dequeue(struct Queue *queue) {

    if (isEmpty(queue)) {
        printf("Queue underflow !\n");
        return -1;
    queue -> front++;
    int deletedValue = queue -> data[queue -> front];
    return deletedValue;


Display Function :

void display(struct Queue *queue) {

    for (int i = queue -> front + 1; i <= queue -> rear; i++) {
        printf("%d\t", queue -> data[i]);


Contributed by Nitin Ranganath

Last updated